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Inspiring Power Quotes
Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
SelfHelp Report: "Keep Your Productivity on Track Through Any Obstacles"
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Get Motivated!
Healthy Power Tip
Your Free PLR Article: "Basics Of Approaching Women – The 3 Second Rule"
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Inspiring Power Quotes For This Week:
"Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others.
Unsuccessful people are always asking, 'What's in it for me?'" - Brian Tracy
"If you don't set goals, you can't regret not reaching them." - Yogi Berra
"Success is achieved by those who try and keep trying with a positive mental attitude." - W. Clement Stone
"I couldn't wait for success, so I went ahead without it." - Jonathan Winters
"What we hope to do with ease, we must learn first to do with diligence." - Samuel Johnson
"We do our best that we know how at the moment, and if it doesn't turn out, we modify it." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt
"A Native American grandfather was talking to his grandson about how he felt.
He said, 'I feel as if I have two wolves fighting in my heart. One wolf is the vengeful, violent one, the other wolf is the loving
compassionate one.'
The grandson asked him, 'Which wolf will win the fight in your heart?'
The grandfather answered, 'The one I feed.'" - Blackhawk
Learn more of our how to do it tips for motivating yourself every day by using free daily motivation and also get inspirational quotes.
Editor’s Note by Helene Malmsio
Somehow I've always been an entrepreneur, thanks to my mother and her never ending drive to make money.
Unfortunately she was not very profitable in any of her endeavours, even when she created beautiful products, she just couldn't create a business that paid the bills.
It was tough for her... in the 1960's there was zero support, training or mentoring for women trying to start their own small businesses.
My Grandmother was a successful Naturopath in Denmark, (and brought up my mother pretty much on her own), and my grandfather operated a bicycle shop, so its a pity they did not teach her business skills.
She flew by the seat of her pants and just hoped for the best, right through to the 70's when I began working in retail as a teen, then the 80's and 90's when I started my own businesses.
I wish she had experienced the satisfaction of a nice profitable small business, or even Managing a successful enterprise. But at least she
usually built her own enterprises around products and services that she (at least initially) enjoyed working with... so that was some reward, I guess
I think I learned a lot from observing her... her lack of focus, her frustration, and her inability to overcome any obstacles in her path.
She had the desire, but not the willingness to learn business skills, and stick to the fundamentals of operating a business to be profitable.
She was constantly distracted by the latest Shiny New Object put in front of her, and always saw the grass as greener over the fence. Always gave up when the work became boring or hard.
But I instead realized I had to develop business operational skills, so I studied all the professional development guides, read and listened to Jim Rohn and all the great coaches, studied the self help business guides, I learned on the job at every opportunity ... always learned, developed, and eventually became a master creative problem solver. I still learn and study every day!
And THAT was the key to my eventual success... learning how to predict and creatively overcome
obstacles and problems. So learn those lessons well if you also want entrepreneurial success.
Learning how to pick yourself up after a fall can be hard... learning to stay optimistic and focused when it seems you just keep hitting a brick wall can be heartbreaking. But you know what? One day all that persistence and stick-to-it-ness pays off. IT DOES!!
And I can tell you, there is nothing sweeter, more energizing, more exciting, than BEING IN THE ZONE... when everything is flowing your way, you meet almost no resistance to your plans and growth... and you wonder why you ever questioned if you would succeed. *Sweet*
So, have faith in yourself. Study. Learn. Apply. Adapt. Measure. Improve. Rinse & repeat.
I believe in you... You Got This!
O.K. Lets begin with this weeks Power Tips report for you... ENJOY!
Report: "Keep Your Productivity on Track Through Any Obstacles"

Building a business can be an exciting time in your life. It can also be one of the most stressful and frustrating times for you.
Any time that you start to do something - to move forward - things will crop up that stand in your way, threatening your success.
These conflicts can arise in many different areas - and they can affect the level of productivity that you have. Learn to recognize these obstacles and how you can successfully keep on track when they do appear.
The problems overlap between your personal and professional lives. For example, problems at work can cause hostility at home, and vice versa. You need to become a master at handling obstacles with ease.
Being Overwhelmed Can Impact Productivity
There are what seem to be a million tasks to get done every day in a business. You have to keep up with the day-to-day tasks while trying to juggle the new things that pop up.
Trying to grow your
business while maintaining what you already have can quickly become overwhelming. This is why you need to have a schedule for when tasks need to be completed.
You can't control when the unexpected happens, but by sticking to a schedule, you have a better chance at getting things done. If an obstacle arises that tanks a days' worth of productivity, you need to map out a plan to double up on other days until you're back on schedule.
You need a task list. Every single thing that you have to accomplish each day for your business should be on this list. Whatever impacts your business the most should be at the top of this list.
By doing this, you can prioritize the tasks in order of importance. The first few tasks on your list should be whatever it is that you have to get done in order to keep the business functioning.
You have to keep the doors open or the site operational, keep the sales coming in and the payroll going, and keep the
customers happy for positive word of mouth and steady growth.
Figure out what tasks you have to do that will profit or benefit your company today. If the task is something that will provide you with a profit in the same week, make that task a priority.
However, if it's something that won't make a difference immediately, you can put that off until a later date and time.
Some business owners find it helpful to use one of the "year at a glance" calendars to keep track of the tasks that have to be done in the future for their business. Personally, I swear by them!
If you're dealing with feeling overwhelmed, then it's highly possible that you've taken on too much responsibility. In order to stay on track with productivity, you'll need to find a way to delegate or outsource what can be passed on for someone else to do.
It can be easy in any business to take on too much. The shiny new object syndrome can make you feel a need to try
something different in the hopes of improving your business.
Then before you know it, you have twenty different things going on that, instead of helping your business, is slowly grinding it to a halt. If any task manager or any organizational tool takes you longer to actually use it than the benefit it offers, get rid of it.
This could be contributing to the obstacle of being overwhelmed. Simplify anything you can to keep productivity moving along when you're struggling. That means if you spent money on a software tool that is too confusing to use and has a steep learning, stop using it.
Chalk it up to a lesson learned. If you have to simplify things by turning to a spiral notebook and a pen or pencil, then do that - if you find that you make more progress that way.
Some business owners find it helpful to seek a mentor when they're feeling overwhelmed, while others turn the services of a coach to help them clearly see their goals and how
things are fitting into their lives.
One of the biggest issues in a business that can trigger being overwhelmed to the point that it slows productivity is clutter. If you have a cluttered office or a cluttered system online, it can make it difficult for you to find what you need when you need it.
Keep everything organized as you go along to prevent this from being an obstacle. Sometimes that means letting go of projects you once thought were viable, but never have time for.
The Obstacle of Time Management
Taking on too much at once can lead to a time crunch. So can procrastination. The problem in a lot of businesses is a lack of planning for every step of a project - especially if the project isn't due right away.
It can be too easy to think that you have plenty of time, so you do other projects first (or, if we're honest, waste time on social networking site). Then before you know it, you're suddenly faced with this
deadline or launch date - and you're not sure that you'll have enough time to get it done.
Everything that you need to take care of in your business should have an action plan. You should know every area of your business that has a completion date. One of the easiest ways to blow your reputation is by being the person who can't get jobs completed when you say they'll get done.
A simple way around the obstacle of time management issues that slow your productivity is to make sure that each project you have going on has a detailed list of action steps.
You don't want to tackle a big project all at once. It can lead to you feeling overwhelmed. The best way to handle this is to break down the project into mini tasks.
Use a calendar or other means to divide the project up into chunks. If you have a project that you know is
going to take three months to complete, then do a little bit of work on it each week.
This way, when the due date arrives, you can be finished up with plenty of time to have done the job thoroughly and professionally.
Rushed jobs can often affect the quality of the finished product and you don't want to present work that's less than your best effort.
To help with time management obstacles, you can outsource some of the work. Take the work that someone else can do that's usually a big time drain and pass it off.
You can still get the work done, but free yourself up to do other tasks. If you're in the business of supplying information products and you handle everything from the writing to the graphics to the formatting, you can easily hire someone else to run this area of your business.
If you put out a lot of information products, it might be worth your money to hire someone who keeps up with making sure the product is
completed the way that it should be.
This way, you remove several tasks from your own to-do list. That would include sourcing freelance ghostwriters and graphics providers, evaluating deliverables, and getting the end product launched with JV and affiliate partners.
Many businesses have entire areas that they outsource to someone else. For example, many ad agencies take in too many client projects. So they turn around and hire freelance copywriters to write the ads.
This saves them time and money and allows them to be more productive. Focus on the skills you excel at and enjoy most - and find others to take over the tasks you least enjoy.
Other businesses allow an outside phone service to take care of their incoming calls. This way, they can focus on running the business and still have good customer service.
You might hire a virtual assistant to handle your customer service issues online. It's all about freeing you up for the
most important money-making and personally gratifying tasks.
Report continued below...
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I'm an author who has published over a dozen self help and natural health ebooks and paperbacks, so in this section I'll usually feature one of my books for you to check out.
Just click on the book banner to see the books in that series!

If you have a product or service that you would like to feature here for our subscribers, we feature approved classified ads here for only $17 per edition, so please Contact me me to book your advertisement (or an advertorial article).
Please do check out my new range of 2018 Diaries! Just click on the Diary images below to see the selection.
Or if you want Monogrammed Diaries, check out a sample on this link: Monogrammed A 2018 Diary Monthly & Weekly Planner: 12 months with Contact & Password lists & spare Note pages 8.5 x 11 and there are also planners and diaries 6"x 9" to suit your needs.
They work. They make you happy. Use them.
"Keep Your Productivity on Track Through Any Obstacles" Report continued...
Cash Flow Problems
This obstacle is one that hits a lot of business at some point during their operation. Having financial struggles can be detrimental to the business itself and it can affect morale negatively, too.
Cash flow problems can be caused by the current economy, poor money management, not enough marketing, too much overhead and a lack of customer response for the product that you're offering.
It can be difficult to want to keep on going when you're facing cash flow obstacles. But what you have to do at this point is to remember what your dream was in the beginning.
Don't lose focus during the hard times. So often, a business will go through a rough patch financially - only to turn around in the blink of an eye. Yet too many business owners get so discouraged when the cash isn't flowing, that they slow productivity.
This slowed productivity then affects the overall business, which contributes to the cash flow
problem. There are short-term and then there are long-term cash flow problems.
Short-term cash flow problems can creep up on you suddenly - and sometimes without warning. For example, you could have a big customer account that brings in thousands of dollars a month and suddenly, the customer notifies you that he won't be needing the services your company offers anymore.
So just like that, your profit is slashed. If the obstacle is a short-term cash flow, you can turn this around in a short amount of time by picking up some easy jobs that your company can do to bring in money.
The faster you can bring in the money, the quicker you'll solve your cash flow problems. If you're used to making $300 an hour consulting for businesses, cut your price by a percentage.
You could bring in several smaller companies or individuals who couldn't afford your services at the higher rate. Running a special to give our business an injection of cash helps
you survive during the next planning phase.
Long-term cash flow problems are a bigger obstacle to keep your productivity on track with. When you have this kind of financial issue, it can lead to a lack of supplies, not having enough to pay yourself or your employees and struggles to pay your typical overhead expenses.
Usually, long-term cash flow obstacles do indicate that your business is headed that way before they become an issue. You might notice that invoices aren't being paid on time.
If you allow other companies or individuals to pay you in arrears, several slow payers could hurt your business. If this is the case, then you would need to cut off the company having access to your services until the debt was settled.
Never risk your business's viability over someone else's lack of responsibility. Take care of the matter and if necessary, replace a slow or non paying client with someone who is reliable.
Every business
will always have an area where there's a money drain. Go over every section carefully to see where you can cut costs. If necessary, have a mentor look over your day-to-day business operations and make suggestions.
If you're a start up business and cash flow is an obstacle because you don't have any at all, then barter what services you do have to get what you need. It's also a good idea to consider working on other cash-generating ideas like freelancing or an offline job if you need money to pursue your dreams.
Other Influences Can Be Productivity Obstacles
Your friends and family can be your biggest supporters when you own a business. But they can also be obstacles. People who care about you can fail to understand and not respect your work schedule.
They can drop by to hang out at the office when you know you should be working. Or if your office is at home, they can interrupt you several times during the day.
When you
have a business, setting boundaries to keep productivity flowing can be an issue. This is why you must set and keep clear-cut boundaries. You have to speak up whenever lines are crossed.
You must treat your business like a business and respect it - or others won't either. Sometimes people who work in a similar field will show up unexpectedly to talk, and this can temporarily slow you down.
Other times, they come by so often that it becomes an issue. If this is a problem, you'll have to take control - and it can be as simple as saying, "I'd love to chat, but I have a deadline, so I have to get back to work."
Employees can create productivity problems when they don't do their job. When one person fails to do what he's supposed to do, it can have a trickle down effect. The project could slow down until someone goes back to complete the original task.
Things get missed during a workday or a workweek. Mistakes are inevitable. Repeat
mistakes and repeated issues of not completing assignments on time affect your business negatively, slow productivity and cost you in long-term profit.
If you have employees or an outsourced team that slows down your business, they either need retraining or to be replaced with ones willing to do their jobs correctly and on time.
Sometimes, it's vendors that can slow your productivity. They don't deliver a product when they're supposed to, so that can slow down the time a shipment needs to go out or a launch needs to take place.
You can work through this by finding a replacement vendor. If someone makes a commitment to you to have something to you on a certain day by a certain time, that commitment should be kept - otherwise, your business is the one most affected.
Sometimes, in an effort to save money and offer goodwill, business owners hire family members or friends. Working with people that mean a lot to you can be a great
Loved ones and friends working toward a common goal can often increase productivity. But if you have a family member or a friend who doesn't do what they're supposed to, that can be a problem.
In order to protect the family or friendship, you might not want to give that person a boot from the business. If that's the case, move that person to an area where what they're doing won't impact the productivity.
Let them answer phones or handle email or do other tasks that help. But don't be afraid to put your foot down if there's nowhere else to put them. You're in charge of turning your business into a success, and you need to adhere to your own responsibilities.
Overcoming a Mindset that Affects Your Business Productivity
How you feel impacts how your business runs. If you're experiencing something in your personal life, it can slow productivity. For example, if you're dealing with a family situation that causes
you to lose sleep at night, it can be hard to keep your mind on the tasks at hand the next day at work.
If you have to deal with something out of the office that impacts your productivity, you need to take a step back and let someone else handle what you normally take care of in the business.
It can be a problem if you don't have a second in command who can run things for you. If that's the case, then you have to find a way to clear your head and push through.
One of the ways that you can do this is by assigning a specific time to think about and work on problems that occur outside of the office. You have to take care of yourself before you can take care of business.
Having the mindset that you've learned all there is to know can be a productivity obstacle. In this case, people will continue to do what they've always done - even if there's a faster and less expensive way.
Not being teachable can easily cost you in terms of
less productivity. Companies who produce tangible items or even strategies for you to learn from are counting on your ability to be open to growth through learning.
You'll be doing yourself a disservice if you turn a blind eye to opportunities that can help you be more productive just because you're comfortable with the status quo.
Obstacles are a given in life. You have to strengthen your ability to handle them without panic. Once you learn the right way to navigate toward your goal, you'll find that the once intimidating obstacles put in your path look less frightening over time.
I hope you enjoyed this self help report and will put the information to good use!
You can learn more about how to run a business with this online guide as well as the guide about online business branding and operations. And if you are a consultant, you can get some helpful Freelancer's Marketing tips here to become more profitable.
There is a ton of useful resources and training guides online at my website, so please visit and have a jolly good look around at all the content subjects. You will learn a lot at my self help supermart - and its all free.
And please, as I keep asking, do let me know what your most desired self help topics are, and I'll try my best to publish exactly what you are looking for
Get Motivated!
Here's a Free Motivational Social Media Graphic For You To Enjoy and Share!
All you need to do is to right click on the image and select "Save image As" to download it to your computer.
Feel free to download and share the social media image below with your friends and family - ENJOY!

Healthy Power Tip:
Grab some green tea. In addition to its antioxidant benefits, green tea is also known to increase metabolic rates.
Always eat breakfast. It gets your metabolism going for the day.
Interval training can increase your metabolism. For example, jog for 1 minute each 4 minutes of your walk.
Drinking more water can actually increase your metabolism, so drink up!
Spicy foods can temporarily boost your metabolism. They also have the added benefit of helping you feel full more quickly.
Increased protein in your diet can boost metabolism. Replace sugars with protein in your diet.
Before considering carb blockers, talk to your doctor and do your homework. There is little information on their long-term effects.
Lack of vitamin B can slow down your metabolism. Load up on spinach, broccoli, peppers, beans and fish.
Magnesium can help you boost your metabolism. Get more bran, squash, dried herbs,
flax seeds and nuts in your diet.
Don’t starve yourself. Eating small meals throughout the day keeps your metabolism going.
Your Free PLR article: "Basics Of Approaching Women – The 3 Second Rule"
I'm getting back to updating the PLRhub.net site with new PLR content for you, which you can check on the directory page here: PLRhub Article Packs and also have a catalogue that you can review and just check off the packs you have already purchased.
You can grab the latest version here at any time (right click to download): Strategic Services PLR content Catalogue
This week I have added three new packs to the store for you:
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #1
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #2
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #3
"Basics Of Approaching Women – The 3 Second Rule"
If there’s only one thing you can remember about meeting and approaching women anywhere, this is it: Within 3 seconds after you saw that curvy and hot chick across the room, street, bookstore, or bar, you MUST approach.
It’s not an option, it’s a MUST!
Dubbed as the “3 Seconds Rule”, this was coined by Mystery – a master pick-up artist who started out as an average frustrated chump just like everyone else.
The whole idea behind the “3 Seconds Rule” is to thrust you to approach women fast... fast enough so that your self-sabotaging internal voice doesn’t talk you out of it. You don’t want a woman to see you checking her out and then hesitating as if your legs are chained.
The more time you take before approaching, the more shaky and sappy you appear.
Nervousness creeps in. You become self-conscious. Your hands get sweaty and you feel shaky. All of your confidence,
power, and assertiveness have gone out of the window. The more time you take, your chances of landing a successful approach get smaller.
And to make matters worse, you will soon decide that you won’t do it... which means another opportunity to get to know a beautiful woman has slipped by your grasp.
Aren’t you sick and tired of that happening day-in and day-out... just admiring women from afar, feeling powerless and unable to meet these wonderful creatures of God?
“But what am I supposed to talk about? How do I start a conversation?”
It all boils down to the situation and social setting that you are in. BUT even if you can’t come up with a good way to start a conversation with a babe, stick to the “3 Seconds Rule”.
If you don’t have a canned opening line in mind by the time you’re in front of her, just say “Hi” with a smile combined with confident body language and good eye contact. Get going within 3 seconds and you might even
be surprised at how things turn out.
One of the beauties of following the “3 Seconds Rule” whenever you see someone that catches your eye is that it sends non-verbal cues that women dig. The decisiveness... the spontaneity – she will see that you, unlike all of the ‘schemers’ in the room, have a pair made of brass and it will only work in your favor.
Heck! Even if you get sweaty and shaky or start to stutter a couple of minutes into the conversation after following the “3 Seconds Rule”, you still made a good impression. You are quick to decide and ballsy when you first approached, and these positive impressions will stick.
She will have a positive view of you from the start... greatly minimizing the chances of you getting blasted to a pile of useless jell-o while talking to her.
By following the “3 Seconds Rule”, you set the pace. Your annoying and unhelpful inner voice is duct-tape, keeping your confidence soaring up.
Make no
mistake about it, however, the “3 Seconds Rule” is not absolute. You may not notice her when she got into the setting. Perhaps you are tied up with something else or there could be REAL (not imagined) obstacles in your environment.
BUT, the moment you have spotted her and you are FREE to approach, the countdown to 3 seconds start. No time for deep thoughts. No need to analyze the situation, wait for eye contact, etc.
The clock is ticking! Get up from your seat and approach her like the confident man that you are.
End of free PLR article
Just copy and paste the self help PLR article content above if you would like to use it on your blog, email, reports.
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Keep the keyword in the title, or if you decide to change the keyword, change it in the first and last sentences of the article too.
You can edit the articles for your website any way that you wish.
Any questions, comments,
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What's New?
Boy oh boy.... as they say ... "These things are sent to try us" ... (and they *bleeping* well succeed!)
I've had a rather gruesome week of challenges from all sides. Its all about perseverance and sticking to your guns... not losing your focus, and not giving in.
FaceBook is turning into a horrible platform to try and do anything on with its latest "do good-er" attempts at cleaning up the mess its made of itself. Too little, too late, and of course - targeting all the wrong people!
So now, even posts that are in private groups, approved to be published by the group moderator to appear to other members of the group, will get ripped offline if some bot on FB is triggered by a keyword of any kind. Not even the admin of FB groups have control of their own group content any more... grrr
And then just for a bit of extra spice to my publishing stress, some bot at CreateSpace decided they needed to question my ownership of one of my books.
All my paperback and kindle amazon books are absolutely unique and exclusive to me, so this really got my hackles up. Anyway, its all sorted, but its just another reminder, that when you think things are cruising smoothly, and you begin to feel confident in your new business, you will get hit with something out of left field.
Its guaranteed to happen, it is part of the challenges that test you and your commitment to your path. So, just stick to your guns and fight the good fight.
Anyway, once again, I have published more PLR to the store... go me!!
About Anxiety and Stress Management - LOL - and that's why I'm an expert!
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #1
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #2
Stress & Anxiety PLR articles Pack #3
And despite the dramas at CreateSpace, I did manage to get two lots of monogrammed 2018 PLANNER Diaries uploaded (Thistle and Golden Teal - at the sides of banner below)
and an A-Z monogrammed NoteBook series in the Gold Label (in the center of the banner below)
How gorgeous are these, hey? Check them out in the links below.
"Golden Teal" Vintage Leather Look Themed Set of paperbacks includes:
* Golden Teal 2018 Planner Diary 13 month 130 page 6x9" week to a page Organizer.
* Golden Teal Monogrammed A – Z series of 2018 organizers – 13 month with bonus Contacts - Password - Birthday lists
* Golden Teal Bullet Journal - 150 page BuJo 8.5"x 11"
* Golden Teal Journal 6x9" personal notebook 40 pages illustrated in gorgeous full colour
* Golden Teal Notebook 6x9" lined cream colour 70 pages.
* Golden Teal 90 Day Personal Planner and Tracker with inspiring prompts and illustrations in B&W throughout the 150 pages.
* Golden Teal Address Book with monthly Birthday planner sections and Password/Security list, all 70 pages Illustrated in glorious full colour - Gorgeous!
* Golden Teal Undated 13 month Planner 8.5"x 11" Spencerian Design 160page B&W Illustrated Diary Week to Two Page Planner
* Golden Teal 2018 Calendar Monthly planner Illustrated in full colour 13 month 70 page paperback with month to two page view plus 2 pages of Illustration and To Do Lists planner page before each month to Feb 2019
Black and "Gold Label" Vintage Leather Look Themed Set includes:
* Gold Label 2018 Planner Diary - 13 month 160 page 6x9" week page Organizer
* Gold Label Bullet Journal - 150 page BuJo 8.5"x 11"
* Gold Label Journal 6x9" notebook 40 pages illustrated in gorgeous full colour
* Gold Label Monogrammed Notebooks A - Z - 6x9" lined cream colour 160 pages.
* Gold Label 90 Day Planner and Tracker with inspiring prompts and illustrations in B&W throughout the 150 pages.
* Gold Label Address
Book with monthly Birthday planner sections and Password/Security list, all 70 pages Illustrated in glorious full colour - Gorgeous!
* Gold Label Undated 13 month Planner 8.5"x 11" Spencerian Design 160page B&W Illustrated Diary Week to Two Page Planner
* Gold Label 2018 Calendar Monthly planner Illustrated in full colour 13 month 70 page paperback with month to two pages plus 2 pages of Illustration and To Do lists planner page
At time of publication I am still waiting for the Thistle Themed Calendar paperback to be approved for publication, but the rest are ready to check out here:
* Thistle 2018 Diary 160 page 6x9" 13 month Organizer
* Thistle Monogrammed A - Z range of 2018 Planner Diary 160 page 6x9" 13 month Organizer with bonus Contacts - Password - Birthday lists
* Thistle Bullet Journal - 150 page BuJo 8.5"x 11"
* Thistle Journal 6x9" personal notebook 40 pages illustrated in gorgeous full colour
* Thistle Notebook 6x9" lined cream coloured 70 pages.
* Thistle 90 Day Planner and Tracker with inspiring prompts and illustrations in B&W throughout the 150 pages.
* Thistle Address Book with bonus monthly Birthday
planner sections and Password/Security list, all 70 pages Illustrated in glorious full colour - Gorgeous!
* Thistle Undated 13 month Planner 8.5"x 11" Spencerian Design 160page B&W Illustrated Diary Week to Two Page Planner

The gorgeous 2018 Calendar Monthly planner image below is part of the Butterflies Theme Set: * Butterfly 2018 Diary 130 page 6x9" Organizer * Butterfly Bullet Journal - 150 page BuJo 8.5"x 11" * Butterfly Journal 6x9" notebook 40 pages illustrated in gorgeous full colour * Butterfly Notebook 6x9" lined cream colour pages with B&W lovely clip art scattered in the 70 pages. * Butterfly 90 Day Planner and Tracker with inspiring prompts and illustrations in B&W throughout
the 150 pages. * Butterfly Address Book with monthly Birthday planner sections and Password/Security list, all 70 pages Illustrated in glorious full colour - Gorgeous! * Butterfly Undated 13 month Planner 8.5"x 11" Spencerian Design 160page B&W Illustrated Diary Week to Two Page Planner * Butterfly 2018 Calendar Monthly planner Illustrated in full colour 13 month 70 page paperback with month to two pages plus 2 pages of Illustration and planner page

And get yourself a beautiful and inspiring Diary or Planner. Yes, like one of the ones I have designed for you. They work. They make you happy. Use them.
**CLICK HERE** or Click on the banner images above to see the full range, as I keep adding new designs every few days... and if you have the time, please do tell me what you would like to see included, so that I can meet your requirements!
And once again, thank you so very, very much to everyone who has invested in one of my books... I really appreciate your trust, and know that you will love the book!
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And a reminder: "Power Tips" is here to help you learn and apply new self growth strategies. Are you getting benefit from these self growth reports? Most importantly: Will you USE what you are learning?
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May you always have Love to Share, Health to Spare, and Friends that Care!
Have a Laugh!
Peter Kay One Liners
1. I saw a woman wearing a sweatshirt with 'Guess' on it. I said, "Thyroid problem?"
2. When I was a kid I used to pray every night for a new bike. Then I realised, God doesn't work that way, so I stole one and asked him to forgive me.
3. My mum was a ventriloquist and she always was throwing her voice. For ten years I thought the dog was telling me to kill my father.
4. I've often wanted to drown my troubles, but I can't get my wife to go swimming.
5. I was doing some decorating, so I got out my step-ladder. I don't get on with my real ladder.
6. I went to a restaurant that serves 'breakfast at any time'. So I ordered French toast during the Renaissance.
7. Well I was bullied at school, called all kinds of different names but one day I turned to my bullies and said - 'Sticks and stones May break my bones but names will never hurt me', and it worked! From there on it was
sticks and stones all the way.
8. My Dad used to say 'always fight fire with fire', which is probably why he got thrown out of the fire brigade.
9. Sex is like a game of bridge: If you don't have a good partner, you'd better have a good hand.
10. I saw six men kicking and punching the mother-in-law. My neighbour said 'Are you going to help?' I said 'No, Six should be enough.'
11. You know that look women get when they want sex? Me neither.
Daily Self Reflection:

Thank you once again for joining us today, I hope that you have found some helpful self help tips and also found our free PLR article helpful to build quality relevant niche content on your online properties!
Helene Malmsio
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