Quick Tips to Add Hours to Your Day

You can’t wave a magic wand and make the day longer. But there are things you can do to save time. And there are things you can do to maximize what you accomplish with your time. In essence, you can add hours to your day.

This will require a change in your habits, but many of these strategies are self-rewarding. Once you see the benefits to be gained, you’ll be motivated to continue.

Follow these tips to add hours to your day and accomplish more:

1. Put things away when you’re done with them.

Rather than creating clutter which gets in your way and is emotionally distracting, put things away when you’re done using them.

Tell yourself that a task isn’t complete until everything is picked up.

2. Do easy things during your least productive hours.

Everyone has a time of day when their physical or mental energy is low. Schedule easy tasks during these times. It can be a good time to read emails, file papers, or tidy up.

3. Do your most challenging tasks during your most productive hours.

Likewise, you have a time of day when your focus and energy are high. Do your most challenging tasks during this time.

4. Reduce the amount of time spent on low-value activities.

You might be surprised by how much time you spend watching TV, surfing the internet, or texting friends.

Putting this time to better use can easily add a few hours of productive time for most people.

5. Batch your activities.

Answer all of your emails at once. Pay all of your bills twice a month.

Remember that it takes time to switch tasks and regain your focus.

6. Make use of waiting time.

If you’re stuck in traffic, make your phone calls. If you’re waiting at the doctor’s office, deal with your email.

Waiting for your child to get dressed? Clean up the kitchen.

7. Track your time.

The average person has little idea how they spend their time. Track how you spend your time for a week.

Every 30 minutes record how you spent the last half-hour. Divide your activities into different categories and see how much time you spend on each.

8. Get help.

Ask for help at work. Give your spouse or children some tasks to do at home.

Is your mother constantly asking you if she can help? Give her something to do.

◦ Hire someone to mow your grass.
◦ Hire a cleaning service.
◦ Buy your groceries online and have them delivered.
◦ Pay someone to run your errands.

9. Schedule your day.

Make the most of each day by making a schedule and sticking to it.

Decide the most important tasks that need to be done and do those. You’ll waste less time and add hours to your day.

10. Go to bed earlier.

Most people don’t accomplish a lot in the evening. Shorten your evening by going to bed earlier.

Then, you can add hours to your morning by getting up earlier. There are very few high-achievers that don’t get up early every day.

11. Eliminate distractions.

Turn off your phone. Use white noise to drown out distracting sounds. Close all of your computer windows and tabs other than what are needed.

If you can get more accomplished each hour, you’re adding hours to your day.

The length of a day is fixed. After sleeping, there are a finite number of hours left. You can’t make the day longer, but you can get more out of each day.

Get as much out of each day as you can. The more effective you are at time management the more success and free time you’ll enjoy.

Creating the Time You Need to Do the Things You Love

Time is at a premium these days. It’s hard to find someone that complains about having too much time on their hands.

Most of us are so busy with work, family, and various obligations, there’s little time left to do the things we’d really like to do!

It’s not easy to find time to pursue your passions, but there’s usually a way if you’re truly serious.

Use these techniques to create the time you require for important pursuits:

1. Decide what you want to make room for.

The best way to motivate yourself to create more free time in your life is to identify what you want to make time for!

What are the most important things you’d like to spend more time on? Do you want to learn the violin? Spend more time with your spouse?

2. Use your mornings wisely.

Most people waste their mornings. They stay in bed as long as possible and barely manage to get to work on time each day.

Make the most of your mornings. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier.

3. Understand the ways you waste time.

We’re quite ingenious at wasting time. Watch yourself for a day and write down all the ways you waste time.

When you understand where your time is leaking away, you can start working on solutions.

4. Make a schedule.

A schedule can keep you on track and help to ensure that your time is being spent wisely.

A schedule can help to minimize the amount of time you waste. You can also build time into your schedule to do the things you enjoy the most.

5. Delegate.

Create more time for yourself by utilizing the people around you. This can work at work and at home.

There’s a good chance that someone in your life has time on their hands. Put your employees, coworkers, children, and partner to work! A little help can free up quite a bit of time.

6. Prioritize and eliminate.

Perhaps you just have too many non-essential things going on in your life.

It might be time to cut back on a few of those obligations.

7. Multitask.

Multitasking sometimes helps. You might make phone calls or do important reading while sitting on an exercise bike.

Get your exercise while taking the dog for a walk. Make a few phone calls while you’re waiting in line.

You can even work on your tan and mow the grass at the same time!

You can find time if you have a good enough reason! Determine what you want to create time for and make it happen.

Delegate, schedule, eliminate, and avoid wasting time. It’s been said that the average life is plenty long enough, provided you don’t waste any time.

What are you willing to give up to spend time on the things you love?

There will be things you simply don’t have time for if you want to reach higher levels of success.

Look at the ways the average person squanders their time and avoid those things. Look at how you tend to waste your time and avoid those things, too.

You don’t have time for unsupportive behaviors when you’re aiming high!

What’s your biggest issue? How do you handle it – or can you think of any additional tips you can share with others if you don’t have an issue with this in your life?
Share them with us in our Comments – or share this blog post on Twitter or Facebook or wherever you feel it could help someone you know.

Related Reading: Time Management

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Women In Charge Series: Getting Organized with Less Stress and More Time!
by: Helene

Workplace Solutions for Women - Self help kindle quick read to get you started!

If you’re reading this quick read self help book, you’re likely a woman who is just starting out in her career field and wants to make the most of the opportunities she’s given, or maybe you’re already working within your career and you want to move up.

There’s no question that women have a different path than men when it comes to business in many cases. We’re looked at differently, often treated differently and sometimes, we’re even paid differently.

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Learn more here or buy now:
Getting Organized with Less Stress and More Time!: Workplace Solutions for Women In Charge

Business Leadership - Becoming Management Material & Building Better Teams: Workplace Solutions For Women in Charge

Win With Essential Communication Skills & Business Etiquette: Workplace Solutions For Women In Charge

Successfully Apply The Law Of Attraction In Business: Workplace Solutions For Women In Charge

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