Create a Self-Care Journaling Routine

Unless you have been living under a rock, you are probably well aware of what self-care means. It is the act of doing something for you, and only you, to help with overall health and wellness.

You can also combine journaling and self-care to create a healthy routine each day that will improve your life, health, and happiness.

Don’t think of it as something selfish, but more as improving yourself, so that not only you benefit from it, but other people do as well.

It is something everyone should strive for. You want to be the best version of yourself, but in order to do that, you need to take care of yourself.

Keep reading to learn how you can take the simple act of journaling to create a self-care routine.

What is a Self-Care Routine?

A self-care routine is something you do each day, typically around the same time each day, that is meant to be just for you. This can be as simple as watching a movie, taking a bath, or walking your dog.

You want it to be something that makes you feel at peace, reduces stress, and helps you to spend at least a few minutes a day to yourself.

Everyone needs to unwind and relax at the end of the day (or the beginning), but far too many people get wrapped up in their busy lives, they don’t even take the time out to do it.

Make yourself a priority, and you will see what a drastic difference it has on the rest of your life.

Creating Your Self-Care Routine

There is no right or wrong way to have a self-care routine. It can include just one thing or a combination of things each day that will help you practice self-care and do something for you.

Remember that it isn’t meant to be something that makes you feel selfish, but is important your for emotional wellbeing.

The self-care routine is going to be unique for you, but here are some things you might include:

Writing in your journal.
Having a morning cup of coffee or tea.
Writing in your planner.
Taking a hot, bubble bath.
Meditating with an essential oil diffuser.
Going for a walk.
Sitting outside for a few minutes of alone time.
Relaxing on the couch with a good book.

Choosing the Right Time

Once you have chosen what to do during this self-care routine, you can then decide on a good time. The two most obvious times include the beginning or end of the day.

The best time is also individual for you, so it depends on your schedule and when it is more likely you will have some time alone.

Can you wake up earlier than your family? If so, this might be good for you as you can have 10-15 minutes (or longer) in the morning to get ready for your day.
What about at the end of the day?

If you live alone or your roommates are busy in the evening, this might be the perfect time for a little self-care.

Use Journaling as a Catalyst

The reason journaling goes hand-in-hand with a self-care routine is because it becomes a catalyst. Journaling is often what sparks the idea of having a routine just for you each day.

Maybe before you didn’t see much reason, but now that you are writing in your journal every day, you have the desire for a few minutes alone.

Most people prefer to write in their journal when they are completely alone, whether it is in your bedroom at night or early in the morning while sitting at the kitchen table.

This becomes a very personal and private experience, so it is good to not have outside distractions.

Preserve Your Memories With A Journal

One of the great things about having a journal to document your life is that you have an easy way to preserve your memories.

You are writing down every piece of your life, or at least the things you personally find the most important.

Over time, you will probably collect many journals full of thoughts, feelings, memories, and yes - some regrets and bad choices.

But everything you do in your life is what makes you who you are, not just the good parts.

How to Preserve Your Memories with a Journal

You can start preserving your memories in a journal simply by writing everything down.

Document your days, including what you did, plans you are making, whether things went the right or wrong way, and how you felt about certain situations.

When something notable happens, such as meeting someone new, write it down! Don’t worry if something seems inconsequential right now – later you might change your mind.

You might have an acquaintance that someday becomes your best friend or even spouse. You want to have the memory of how you met.

While you don’t have to feel pressures to document every second of every day, writing down what happens each day is a great way to start using the journal, and is especially helpful during times when you might have a little writer’s block.

Don’t Forget to Add Pictures!

As you are documenting your life in the daily journal, try to add pictures when you can.

Maybe there were moments like parties or other special events where a picture would add to the journal entry, or you just want to doodle a picture that explains how you were feeling at that moment. These all become precious keepsakes later on.

Organize Your Journals

If you are like most people, you will have a large stack of journals every year.

There will be days when you fill up one page or not even a page, but others days are so filled with thoughts that you end up filling up multiple pages.

With daily journaling, this can add up quite a bit.

When you want to have memories saved in your journals, it means a little organization so you can look back and find the right one.

As you finish a journal, skim through it and make notes elsewhere about what went on in your life.

This can be somewhat of a summary or index about your life in this specific journal. Keep that piece of paper inside the journal as a quick reference.

Make Events More Meaningful

Don’t forget that writing everything in your journal makes all of these events and memories more meaningful.

You don’t just have something happen that passes you by, only to think about it every once in a while.

It turns your entire life into a series of nostalgia, allowing you to look back at specific moments in time whenever you want to.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

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