How to Stay on Track When You’re Lacking Self-Control

For many people, self-control is the one skill they lack the most. A recent study that included the 50 U. S. States and over 50 other countries asked people to list their character strengths. Out of all the traits, self-control came last.

What is self-control? It's the ability to control how you feel, react to situations, and comport yourself. When you lack self-control, it creates enormous problems and makes it challenging to stay on track with what you want for your life.

Why is Self-Control So Important?

The American Psychological Association conducted research that helps us identify the power of self-control. The survey, called “2011 Stress in America,” uncovered that more than 25% of the respondents related a lack of willpower for tasks related to goal achievement.

People admitted that one major factor holding them back from achieving their goals was a lack of self-control.

On the bright side, however, over 70% said they didn't consider self-control as an innate skill. Respondents believed they could learn and strengthen their discipline.

So what can you do when you find that you lack self-control, but you can't afford to lose focus?

Consider these ideas:

1. Consider the broader picture. When you lack self-control and discipline, it's easy to become frustrated. You tend to focus on the problem or what's missing in a given area of your life.

● The key is to switch gears and consider the bigger picture. When you can see how your problem impacts others, you're more likely to regain control and become willing to make changes.

2. Take a few minutes to exercise your body. You don't need a gym membership or a strict exercise routine. Even something as simple as a brisk walk can do the trick.

● Exercise stimulates the brain and helps you feel more energized and focused. It also has the power to strengthen your self-control and self-discipline, which are two vital skills for a healthy life.

● Regardless of the exercise regimen you choose, always remain consistent.

3. Track your progress. Is it hard for you to stick with a diet? People often try to lose weight but revert to their old habits. Tracking your progress can help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

● If you need a coach or mentor, find someone who will keep you accountable.

● In addition, always keep in mind that small steps lead to significant changes in the end.

4. Do not expect perfection from yourself. People with high emotional intelligence know that perfection does not exist. Thus, they don't set out to be perfect.

● The reality is, people are fallible by nature. When you try to achieve perfection, you'll always come up short. You'll spend time weeping over your failures and what you think you should've done. Instead of moving forward, you may also give up on your goals or merely run in place.

● Your best bet is to set reasonable goals and always keep in mind that trying your best is enough.

5. Keep your eyes on the prize. What are your goals? If it helps, write them down and share them with a friend or a life coach.

● Sometimes it's easy to lose focus when you don’t achieve results fast enough. However, if you remind yourself of your ultimate objective and keep in mind that lasting change takes time, you'll be more likely to stay on track.

If you feel like you lack self-control or discipline, consider what you can do to make changes. And remember that your best bet is to set reasonable goals and never lose sight of the progress you are making.

If self-control is what's holding you back from achieving your goals, the time has come for a change.

Related Reading: Emotional Intelligence- EQ online self help guide

More Resources:

Some of us can overcome issues of how to build self-confidence easier than others, but we can all become more confident by following a plan and focusing on the task at hand.

Online help is available. Start now to find a method to boost your self-confidence that’s right for you.

I have written and published the books below, created specifically to help you develop self confidence and hone your self assertiveness skills and communication.

You can get this book or the whole series, in Kindle digital version or as a paperback posted to you from Amazon.

Just click the covers below to learn more about how incredibly helpful these books can be for your self assertiveness and increased self confidence!

Workplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive CommunicationWorkplace Solutions: Unlocking Your Potential with Self-Esteem and Positive Communication

Workplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for ResultsWorkplace Solutions: Motivating Your Workforce and Negotiating for Results$9.04

Workplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the WorkplaceWorkplace Solutions: Win-Win Negotiation for Women - Strategies for Getting What You Want in the Workplace$3.59

Workplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult PeopleWorkplace Solutions: Exploring Conflict Resolution and Dealing with Difficult People$9.90


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