Save Money by Managing Your Time Better

You’ve probably heard the saying, “time is money” before, right?

Well, this is a true statement as it’s easy to spend more money when you aren’t being careful with your time.

So, as you work on your family budget, think about how you can better manage your time too.

Below are some tips that you may find helpful regarding time management.

Paying Bills

Yes, you have to set back enough money every pay period to ensure that you are able to pay all of your bills on time.

However, what many of us forget to do is schedule in time to sit down and pay the bills.

Paying bills does take up time regardless of whether you do it online or the old-fashioned way.

So, pick a day and time every two weeks (or however often you pay bills) specifically for paying bills.

Managing the Checkbook

I’ll admit it, balancing my checkbook is something I HATE doing.

However, this is one activity that I have to do if I want to stay within my budget.

A lot of people spend more money than they planned on because they don’t take the time to balance their checkbooks on a regular basis.

And, if you let it go too long, then you may find yourself in a mess that takes days to figure out.

Like with paying bills, set a regular time every week to sit down and balance the checkbook.

This will help you stay within your budget and save you time in the long run.

Work before Play

How many times have you purposely put a task off in order to go do something more enjoyable and thought, “I’ll do it later”? I know I’m guilty.

The problem with this is that many times the task we put off doesn’t get done…or it takes a lot longer to do than it would have had we just stayed and did it.

It’s important to get all of your “to-do” items out of the way before you head out to have a little fun.

If you can set a time in the morning or afternoon that is dedicated to your “to-do” list, and stick to it, then you’ll truly be able to enjoy the activities you do afterwards.

You’ll also find that your productivity level increases when you have a designated work time.

Plan Meals in Advance

Another thing you can do that will dramatically help you manage your time more effectively is to plan out your family’s meals in advance.

Many people spend 30 minutes or more a day thinking about what to make for dinner before they decide on something.

This isn’t going to be a problem if you sit down and plan your family’s menu out a week or two in advance.

Once you’ve got the menu planned out, make a correlating grocery list.

Then, when it’s time to fix dinner, all you have to do is pull out the recipe and ingredients and start cooking!

This saves time and money because you won’t spend money on foods you don’t need at the store either.
Stay Practical

Finally, it’s important that you remain practical when allowing time for various activities.

For example, if you plan on running errands after you pick up the kids from school and before you start dinner, then you need to be realistic about how much time you have in between to run your errands.

If your kids get out of school at 3:00 p.m. and you need to start dinner by 6:00 p.m., then you don’t really have a full 3 hours to run errands.

In reality, you’ve probably only got about 2 hours available to run errands in order to have dinner started in time.

It’s important that you’re practical about your time limits so that you can allow yourself enough time to get the task at hand done.

It saves you time and frustration, and in some cases, money too!

Learn more about budgets and managing your money when you read the rest of our information here about: How to Make a Budget and Save Money

It is one of the most important life skills you can learn as the sooner you take control of your finances, the sooner you can grow your fortune in life.

You can also get my free book download to help you learn how to save money on groceries:

Download free how to book >> Save money on Groceries

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