Who Else Wants to Stop Excess Snacking?

Maybe you're a pro at planning balanced meals, but things go awry during the hours in between. Excess snacking can put you over your daily calorie requirements and fill you up with sugar and other ingredients you're trying to avoid.

Lose weight and protect your health by changing the way you snack. Check out this list for ideas about how to snack less and make smarter choices.

How to Snack Less

1. Be mindful.

Are you surprised to find you've eaten half a cake when you really meant to have one slice? You'll probably be satisfied with less food if you pay attention to each bite. Turn off the TV and chew slowly.

2. Leave the table.

It's difficult to tell when dinner ends and snacking starts if you sit around nibbling leftovers on the serving platters. Clear the table and go for a walk.

3. Have a hearty breakfast.

Late night snacking could be a sign that you didn't take in enough calories earlier in the day. Start with a nutritious breakfast like yogurt and cereal or an omelet stuffed with mushrooms and spinach.

4. Drink up.

Thirst and hunger are often confused. The next time you want a cookie, drink a glass of water to see if the craving goes away.

5. Sleep well.

Chronic fatigue can also make you want to eat. Go to bed on time and take a nap if you need to catch up on your sleep.

6. Chew gum.

Sugar-free gum is an ideal snack. Satisfy your sweet tooth and enjoy chewing without consuming any calories. Gum even helps to clean up bacteria in your mouth in between brushing and flossing.

7. Keep a log.

You may be snacking more than you think. Use your phone or a notebook to track what's really going on.

8. Identify trigger foods.

Many of us have certain foods that lower our inhibitions. Save French fries or donuts for special occasions if you tend to go overboard.

9. Manage stress.

Are you eating to cover up difficult emotions? Call a friend or listen to soothing music instead. Run in the morning or go to the gym after work.

How to Snack Healthier

1. Reach for vegetables and fruits.

A recent study suggests that eating 8 servings of produce a day dramatically increases happiness. Use snacks to help you reach your target.

2. Control portions.

Most adults can indulge in any favorite treat as long as they keep the serving size reasonable. Learn to eyeball what an ounce of almonds or a cup of ice cream looks like.

3. Create substitutes.

Do you long for something salty or sweet? Bake your own pita chips with garlic and olive oil. Sprinkle toasted oats with cinnamon and dark chocolate cocoa.

4. Stock up.

Fill your refrigerator and kitchen cabinets with nutrient-dense foods you love. You can make healthy treats in minutes with baby carrots, celery sticks, low fat yogurt, natural peanut butter, and hummus.

5. Avoid commercials.

Advertising tends to promote ultra-processed foods high in sugar, salt, and saturated fats. Hit the mute button when you see TV commercials for candy bars and soda.

6. Plan ahead.

Vending machines and gas stations are also full of foods that can derail your diet.

Carry your own snacks in a cooler or plastic bags. Schedule a break for tea and half a sandwich when you're out shopping or running errands.

Make your snacks work for you, keeping you full between meals and fueling up your body.

Watch your calories and eat nutrient-dense foods that help you stay slim and strong.

What’s your biggest issue? How do you handle it – or can you think of any additional tips you can share with others if you don’t have an issue with this in your life?
Share them with us in our Comments – or share this blog post on Twitter or Facebook or wherever you feel it could help someone you know.

Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: https://www.discoveryhub.net/Healthy-Eating-Plan.html

7 Low-Carb Hacks to Help You Feel Full All Day

One of the biggest concerns that you may have about the low-carb diet is staying full. Without a large quantity of carbohydrates to fill your meals, you may wonder if you will feel hungry.

Try these tips to avoid that low-carb hunger:

1. Ground almond flour.

Instead of using regular flour, switch to ground almond flour for your meals.

* This low-carb hack is filled with protein, and you'll feel full while using it.

* You can make a variety of items with almond flour, such as pancakes, muffins, or bread. Almond flour is versatile and filling, so you won't miss regular flour.

2. Cauliflower rice.

Did you know that you can use cauliflower as a substitute for mashed potatoes?

* Cauliflower is a healthier choice than regular potatoes and is considered a lower carbohydrate vegetable. You can grind up and mash cauliflower to make mashed flakes.

* You can also use ground up cauliflower as rice and create a pizza crust from it. Top the pizza with your favorites.

3. Spiralized vegetables.

A spiralizer is a simple kitchen tool that you can use to make vegetables into tiny strips that resemble noodles. If you don't have one, then you can use a sharp knife to cut up the veggies into small strips.

* This low-carb hack lets you make your own healthy pasta and noodles.

* Zucchini tends to be the most popular vegetable to spiralize in the kitchen. However, you can also experiment with eggplant, peppers, and other veggies.

The key is to pick a firm one that can be cut into little pieces with ease.

4. Lettuce wraps.

One of the easiest low-carb hacks is to make wraps or tortillas with lettuce instead of flour items.

* Wrap your favorites such as meat, vegetables, and salsa in a lettuce wrap to reduce the carbohydrates.

* The wraps will still taste delicious, but they'll have lower calories and more nutritional value.

You don't have to stick with iceberg lettuce and may want to try other varieties as you experiment in the kitchen. You can even use cabbage leaves to make the wraps.

5. Vegetable chips.

Regular potato chips won't work on a low-carb diet, but vegetable chips you make yourself at home are fine.

* Bake your chips in the oven and serve them with sea salt, olive oil, or spices.

* You can make vegetable chips from zucchini, eggplant, squash, and other foods. Pick your favorites and cut them into bite-size pieces. Kale, spinach, and sweet potatoes all taste delicious as baked chips.

6. Use citrus flavor.

Lemons and limes make great low-carb substitutes for traditional salad dressings and sauces that may have too many calories.

A squeeze of lemon or lime can add instant flavor to a salad, soup, casserole, or other dish.

* You don't have to worry about carbs with this flavor option. Experiment with it in the kitchen and try adding it to different dishes.

7. Be creative.

The key to staying satisfied on a low-carb diet is to think of creative ways to use the healthy ingredients in your kitchen. A simple tomato and lettuce can turn into a fun meal with the right low-carb sauce.

* Don't be afraid to try new vegetables, nuts, or seeds on a low-carb diet.

A low-carb diet doesn't have to be boring or unsatisfying. Use these tips every day to feel full and happy while eating low-carb.

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