7 Ways to Manage Hypertension without Drugs

These days, we have drugs to treat just about anything and everything. People’s reliance on pills, tablets and other opioids are so high that this addiction has become a problem on its own.

While drugs such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, beta blockers, etc. are effective, they merely address the symptoms.

To bring your blood pressure under control, the best approach would be to do it in a holistic manner and address the root causes of the problem.

If your blood pressure levels are high, your doctor may have prescribed drugs like Vasotec, Avapro, Lopressor, etc.

These drugs will immediately address the hypertension and bring it down to manageable levels and mitigate the risks associated with the problem.

You do NOT need to stop your medication to use the 7 methods listed below. Holistic measures usually don’t interfere with medical treatment. The goal is to improve your health and remove any possible causes of hypertension.

You should speak to your doctor and tell him/her what you’re doing so that they can advise you on the best course of action.

Now let’s look at the 7 ways to manage your hypertension.

1. Weight management

Most health problems will see an improvement the moment you shed your excess kilos.

Losing your excess fat and reaching your ideal weight is a very effective way to improve your health and remedy the hypertension.

2. Low salt diet

Reducing your consumption of salt is the best way to address hypertension directly. Salt sneaks into processed foods, soya sauces, preserved food, etc.

Adults who consume 5 to 7 grams of salt per day have been shown to have a much lower risk of getting hypertension.

Salt is an acquired taste. If you stopped using it in your cooking and just relied on spices and other ingredients to flavor the food, you’ll discover that after a while, the food will seem tasty even without salt.

It may take you a month or two to adjust, but you’ll get there, and your hypertension will probably be gone.

3. Get active

Exercise will strengthen your body and relieve your stress. Walk more, take the stairs, and generally get more active.

You don’t have to become Hercules overnight… but by gradually getting more exercise and activity in your daily life, you’ll not only burn calories and get fitter, but also lower your blood pressure levels.

4. Reduce alcohol consumption

While a glass of wine daily is good for you because of the resveratrol, if you’re guzzling beer or throwing back sambuca shots frequently, it’s time to tone down your alcohol consumption.

Excessive consumption of alcohol over prolonged periods will have a detrimental effect on your liver and other organs. Drink infrequently, and in moderation when you do indulge.

5. Salt substitutes

There are several different types of salts on the market that claim to be ‘better’ than regular sodium chloride.

They go under fancy names like Himalayan salt, natural sea salt, etc.

Whatever the name may be, salt is still salt. The jury is still out on the effectiveness of these salts. So, do not consume these salts in excess because you think they’re safer.

Always err on the side of caution. Minimize your salt intake as much as possible if you wish to arrest hypertension and reverse it.

6. Manage stress

Stress is the leading cause of a plethora of health problems ranging from diabetes to hypertension to heart disease.

In fact, stress is termed as the ‘21st century’s silent killer’ – because it’s that deadly.

It has a direct impact on your blood pressure levels. You need to proactively make time to de-stress.

Meditation, yoga, watching a comedy, etc. are fantastic ways to reduce stress.

It’s not so much the activity that matters but the effect the activity has on your mood.

If you’re still stressed out after a yoga session, then yoga is not the activity you need. It may work for others but it has no effect on you.

Your idea of fun and relaxation might be a kickboxing class, or indoor rock climbing or even riding on roller coasters at the amusement park.

Do what you find fun. Stress relief is about finding activities that make you happy. Happiness dispels stress. That’s how you release stress.

7. A clean diet & supplements

Besides reducing your consumption of meat, salt and processed foods, you’ll also need to increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables.

This will ensure that your body has the nutrients it needs.

You should also use supplements like fish oil capsules, garlic pills, potassium/calcium/magnesium tablets, etc.

Speak to your doctor and ask him/her what the best supplements are and if you should consume them.

Follow these 7 tips and incorporate them into your daily life.

There will be a period of struggle because eating clean, exercising, etc. will require breaking old habits and forming new ones.

However, once you inculcate the good habits and practice them, you’ll and feel better.

Your blood pressure levels will stabilize, and you’ll probably not need medication anymore.
Hypertension is a health issue that can be managed effectively if you do what’s right. So do it.

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: https://www.discoveryhub.net/How-to-Have-Healthy-Heart.html

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