Don’t Let Your Confidence Lead to Complacency

All too often, the line between confidence and pride starts to become a bit blurred. Too much of it can quickly become a bad thing, leading to complacency, or excessive satisfaction.

As the saying goes, pride comes before the fall. People will get so caught up in being confident and proud that they actually start to slip in their performance, leading to that confidence having nothing to support it.

Overconfidence is a massive reason that some people fail. They might have a lucky start in a job and do well right off of the bat. They’ll start to assume that they have this job in the bag, and that they can handle just about anything.

At this point, they’re not really facing any challenges, so that’s easy to say. The moment a real challenge comes into play, and they realize they’re not equipped to handle it, they balk at it instead of face it head on with determination.

Instead of having their confidence take a dive, they’ll brush off the challenge as if it’s no big deal. The fact that they can’t own up to their shortcomings actually makes them look weaker than if they admitted they needed help to attend to the issue at hand.

In reality, some of the most successful people have been able to acknowledge their failures, knowing when to really hunker down and work or when to ask for help. Admitting defeat doesn’t mean you’re not confident or not right for a job.

If anything, it’s a sign of strength - being able to show your weaknesses and move on despite them. A lack of confidence would be giving up and giving into your weaknesses, letting them take over. A little bit of humility is never a bad thing.

One major reason that being overly confident leads to failure is that sometimes people will try to take on jobs or challenges that are just not in their league. They more often than not will fail, and will then start to break down, because their confidence was the only quality that they had going for them.

This isn’t to say that confidence isn’t important. Without it, you quickly become a human doormat. You need confidence to be able to stand up for yourself and to be a force to be reckoned with.

However, like all things, confidence must come in moderation or be directed to the right areas in life. Too little, and you’re seen as weak and spineless. Too much, and you’re seen as haughty, cocky, and obnoxious.

Be confident in your abilities, but make sure your abilities are always sharp. Instead of being overly confident that you have it all together (when you don’t), be confident in the fact that if something occurs, you have the determination to tackle it until it’s a matter that’s resolved.

Employees and Consumers Alike Flock to Confident Leaders

With most successful people, despite their differing fields of work, you will find that they are confident in their demeanor and their actions. Confidence is so important for so many reasons, it’s practically required for you to be successful.

One of the biggest reasons that confidence is so necessary is that it attracts people to you who are looking for your recommendations and insight. When you’re not very confident, people will often just pass you by without even considering you as an option for someone they’re looking with.

A lack of confidence is like hiding away in the shadows, it’s pretty hard for people to notice that you’re there in the first place. If you’re hardly being noticed at all, it’s hard for people to respect your decisions when you do speak up, because they don’t really know if they can trust you.

Consumers and employees will both flock to you when you’re visibly confident, because in many peoples’ minds, confidence is directly related to intelligence and strong will. This might not always be the case, but many business related matters are started at the surface level.

People don’t want to invest their time, effort, or money into something that doesn’t look good at first glance. Employees like confident leaders because it leaves them with less guess work to do.

Weak leaders often don’t give enough proper guidance to their employees, which can lead to them feeling lost. To avoid employees being lost in the dark and to avoid miscommunication, you need to step up and be confident as a leader.

Consumers are drawn towards confident leaders for similar reasons. Whenever a consumer is spending their hard earned money on a product or service, they want to make sure it’s worth their investment.

It’s difficult to put your trust in a product or service if the main person in charge isn’t even fully trusting in themselves. Even if you have to fake it, you need to be confident to the outside world.

However, you must be aware that overconfidence is a problem in itself. If you’re way too confident about everything, people will start to see it as phony and as more of a façade. Overconfidence is usually seen as being cocky, and by extension, annoying.

Sometimes it’s received as you being rude. This can actually lead to you driving away employees and consumers who might not want to be associated with someone who’s a little too full of themselves.

Take Pride in Small Accomplishments to Build a Strong Foundation for Success

You see the home run on the baseball field that turns the tide of the championship game and everyone is celebrating. But that big win didn’t come without smaller wins. Other smaller games that were played fed into the success of the big game.

There were also the baseball practices, staying in shape for the players to prepare physically. Plus, there was mental preparation, too. All of this was done by the players while keeping their eyes on the long term payoff - the championship.

Without those smaller accomplishments, there might not have been the success. You need to take pride in all of your small accomplishments and acknowledge them. Doing this will let you build a strong mental foundation for success.

Achieving things, even if they feel small or not as important, will help keep you on track for bigger goals. Plus, they help you keep your eye on whatever it is that you want in the future.

That’s because when you take pride in what you’ve accomplished, it builds your self-worth. It also helps give you confidence, that can-do attitude that keeps you pushing forward.

When you push forward because of the pride you feel in small things, it creates a cause and effect situation. You achieved a small success, felt proud and that pushed you to want to achieve more.

Remember that without small accomplishments, there might not be the bigger ones. These are the stepping stones or the bridge that allow you to reach your goals. Take the time to acknowledge the small accomplishments.

Bask in the pride that you feel. Give yourself a well-deserved pat on the back. Big successes usually don’t happen quickly. They can take several weeks or months or even years.

It can be too easy to get discouraged if you keep looking toward what you’re going to achieve “someday.” This lack of immediate gratification can cause some people to feel like they lack the stamina to stick with it until they reach their final goal.

That’s another reason you should take pride in and even celebrate your smaller accomplishments. Acknowledge how far you’ve come - how much your skills have improved and the knowledge that you’ve gained.

Celebrate that you’re one step or several steps closer to whatever it is that you want to achieve. Small wins lead to big wins. Not only that, but they let you build habits that you need to be successful.

They teach you patience and perseverance. They teach you the art of not settling for less than what you want. Small accomplishments let you see how far you’ve come rather than how far you have to go.

They give you a sense of gratification. Taking pride in smaller accomplishments also helps you live in the moment. They teach you the value of little things and help you keep the end goal in perspective.

Learn more here or buy now:
Getting Organized with Less Stress and More Time!: Workplace Solutions for Women In Charge

Business Leadership - Becoming Management Material & Building Better Teams: Workplace Solutions For Women in Charge

Win With Essential Communication Skills & Business Etiquette: Workplace Solutions For Women In Charge

Successfully Apply The Law Of Attraction In Business: Workplace Solutions For Women In Charge

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Cheers, Helene Malmsio

Related Reading: How To Build Self Confidence

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