The Health Benefits of Earthing (Grounding)

Has anyone ever called you "grounded"? This is not a knock on you in any way. Quite the opposite, if someone says you are grounded, they are referring to you as being stable and practical.

This means that no matter what life throws at you, you are capable of rebounding and letting negative experiences affect you in the least possible way.

This type of grounding refers to the emotional or mental aspect of having a solid base or foundation.

There is another way you can be grounded, and this is rather literal. Grounding (or earthing) requires you physically touching the ground.

Instead of being metaphysically grounded and stable, you are physically grounded to the earth.

While this may seem a little odd for health benefits, there is scientific proof that being physically grounded can lead to a happier, healthier you.

A 2013 issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discussed just how important it is to connect your bare feet with Mother Earth regularly.

Their research proved that "... grounding increases the surface charge on red blood cells and thereby produces blood viscosity and clumping.

Grounding appears to be one of the simplest and yet most profound interventions for helping reduce cardiovascular risk and cardiovascular events."

Yes, remarkably enough, connecting your bare feet or hands to the earth can positively impact your cardiovascular health. Who wouldn't like to benefit from a lower risk of developing strokes, heart attacks and other heart-related health issues?

The science that proves earthing is a simple way to positively recharge your body at a cellular level continues to grow, and the benefits seem to be widespread.

Why Earthing Works

Your body is basically a moving, walking and portable lightning rod. Physicists will tell you that everything in the world and the universe is made up of energy. This means you as well.

Every cell and tissue in your body has an electrical charge. If you aren't regularly reconnecting with the electromagnetic charge in Mother Earth, you are not recharging the "batteries" in your body that can help you fight infection, inflammation, disease and other causes of physical and mental health problems.

Your body is highly charged, just like the earth is. When you enjoy skin-to-earth grounding contact, you make a very natural connection.

You are a product of nature. The earth is obviously a natural being.

If you consider planet earth as a massive charging station for human beings, and you think how frequently you have to charge your smartphone, you paint a very simplistic but clear picture of how important it is for you to practice grounding regularly.

Look at the Monkey in the Zoo

You have no doubt heard that animals taken from the wild and placed into zoos and cages almost never enjoy the longevity that their wild counterparts do.

Why is this? Animal researchers believe one reason is they are constantly placed in environments where they come into contact with concrete and chain fences and living environments.

They are often fed out of a plastic bowl. These are not naturally occurring realities for animals.

The byproduct of not constantly touching fresh earth for captive animals around the world is a shorter life, and a dramatically lower quality of life.

You need look no further than the sad-looking monkey in the zoo to see the importance of grounding for animals, humans included.

A Few of the Benefits of Grounding

The vast majority of visits to the doctor (often as high as 90%) are because the patient is complaining about stress or is suffering from an inflammation-related problem.

The electrical recharging that occurs when your naked flesh comes into contact with earth destroys stress and inflammation-causing microorganisms.

Simultaneously, you promote the development of chemicals which fight disease and illness, while also regenerating cellular growth.

You have trillions of cells in your body. They are dying all the time. The act of growing and living as a human being means these cells need to be replenished.

When the negative impact of oxidation accompanies damaged or dying cells, that electro-charged process must be neutralized. This is exactly what grounding and earthing does.

For better sleep, healthier skin and hair, improved cardiovascular processes, less inflammation and stress and other wide-ranging benefits, kick off your shoes and go for a walk.

The most benefits occur when your bare flesh contacts hard earth that is in a natural environment.

Look for opportunities to make a connection between your flesh and mother earth, and your mental and physical health will both benefit.



How Yoga Fits into Your Energy Healing Plan

Many people practice yoga to improve fitness, but yoga is actually a form of energy healing. By adding this to your routine you can improve your physical, mental, and spiritual health.

What is Yoga?

You’ve probably seen yoga and maybe you’ve even done it, but it can help to understand the history of it to get a better idea of what it really is. Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to heal the mind, body, and spirit.

There are many forms of yoga, but in every form the elements of breath and poses are present. Different poses work to open chakras in the body.

Chakras are centers of energy found throughout the body. When they become blocked, you can have dysfunction and negativity in your life.

As a newbie to yoga, you may be a little intimidated by the flexibility of your instructor. Don’t worry if you can’t even touch your toes.

Yoga is a practice that will help you to become more flexible, but there are tools and poses that can modify your practice in the beginning.

When you’re new to the practice it really helps to work with an instructor who can watch what you’re doing and help.

If that isn’t practical, there are many online instructional videos and you can search for one that feels right for you.

Benefits of Yoga

Yoga has many benefits. It will help you to improve your flexibility and increase strength. Some forms of yoga are also aerobic activity and help strengthen your cardiovascular system.

Many people report weight management from practicing yoga. But one of the greatest benefits people experience is reduction in pain.

If you’re suffering from pain in your joints or muscles, a regular practice of yoga can help to reduce that pain.

Yoga is also kind to your body. In other words, it can be practiced in a way that doesn’t harm your joints or other sensitive areas.

If you’re worried about reinjuring a part of your body, yoga can help you to get strength while protecting your safety.

Spiritually, many people find that yoga helps to bring positive energy to the mind and soul.

If you experience a lot of stress, yoga can help you to get relief. If you’re suffering from anxiety, depression, or trauma yoga can be a way to reconnect your body and mind and get relief from that suffering.

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