Natural Herbal Remedies Guide

In this section you will learn about how to safely use natural herbal remedies and their heath benefits when used as alternative medicines for your health and wellbeing.

There are many ailments that can be treated with herbal remedies on their own or in conjunction with conventional medication.

In this day and age, the world seems to be such a fast one and we are forever rushing around and never seem to have enough time to do anything.

Working, looking after kids, looking after the home and all the other duties that one needs to fulfill in a day, it seems that often we don’t even have enough time to sit down and eat. In actual fact, when our days are so rushed we often don’t even pay attention to what we are eating.

Foods these days are becoming more and more processed to suit our rushed lifestyles and as such they are filled with additives and preservatives.

Unfortunately, our bodies weren’t meant to consume all these additives and preservatives.

When you read the ingredients on a packet, many items are listed as numbers and we really just don’t know exactly what we are eating.

It also seems that we eat more foods high in sugar and high in flavor and foods are made to suit these wants rather than to suit what is best for our health.

This puts more pressure on our body, so it is harder than ever to listen to our bodies needs to help find natural weight loss remedies that actually work.

It is always healthier to eat natural and organic foods and avoid processed foods, but not only is it better for you it is also good to detoxify your body from toxins and chemicals and help you to lose weight.

Another threat to our health is conventional medications.

Although some medications are absolutely necessary, there are times when we take medications when they really aren’t 100% necessary.

Some people also over medicate or take medications without prescription.

There are fears that some bacteria will become resistant to conventional drugs due to the overuse of them.

Taking antibiotics too often will also upset the balance of good and bad bacteria in our intestines.

Defining Herbs

According to MedlinePlus, “An herb is a plant or plant part used for its scent, flavor, or therapeutic properties. Herbal medicines are one type of dietary supplement.

They are sold as tablets, capsules, powders, teas, extracts, and fresh or dried plants. People use herbal medicines to try to maintain or improve their health.”

It’s fairly simple, but it bears defining simply because so many people confuse herbs with spices.

While spices are derived from the seeds, roots, and bark of a tree, herbs are the leaves from a plant.

So, if it isn’t considered the leaf, then it isn’t an herb, it’s a spice.

There are plants that contain both herbs and spices. Cilantro is an excellent example of this.

The seeds are the spice and the leaves are the herb. It really is as simple as that.

Herbs are everywhere. In fact, there’s a good chance you have herbs growing in your yard and you don’t even know it.

Here is a short list a wide variety of herbs, as well as the many benefits they come with.

This list is in no way complete because there are thousands of herbs.

  • Aloe – aloe is typically used topically to treat scrapes, cuts, and burns. Of course, it’s probably most famously known for its ability to provide relief from sunburn. It’s also an excellent way to keep your skin supple and smooth. It may also be used to treat acne. You may also be familiar with aloe beverages that improve digestion.
  • Rennet – this is known by many names including Indian ginseng, winter cherry, and ashwagandha. It has sedative, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory properties. The leaves are used to make tea, which improves the body’s performance. Moreover, it provides stress relief, as well as providing an immune system boost. (
  • Mint – most people think of mint as a flavor or even a palate cleanser. Not a lot of people really think about mint in terms of health and wellness. However, you shouldn’t underestimate it because it’s powerful. Not only does mint improve digestion, but it can also soothe an upset stomach. It can be used to relieve headaches, nausea, coughing, and congestion.  Additionally, moms can use mint to relieve pain and cracks in their nipples caused by breastfeeding. It doesn’t stop there. Mint is also helpful for acne, burns, memory, fatigue, depression, rheumatism, heartburn, digestion, eye health, muscle aches, and breaking fevers.
  • Thyme – thyme features in a lot of recipes because it has a distinct flavor. However, it has health benefits, too. It’s great for treating acne, relieving coughs, improving the immune system, and even fighting coughs. Thyme is also excellent at lowering cholesterol and fighting sore throats. It can also serve as a disinfectant.
  • Basil – basil is an effective way to keep acne at bay. Boil some fresh leaves and apply the liquid (once cooled) to any breakouts you may have. Additionally, it can help with colds, coughs, indigestion, insect bites, stings, bloating, PMS, and stress. (
  • Alfalfa – this perennial belongs to the legume family and in addition to boosting the immune system, it is also used for high cholesterol, arthritis, and digestive issues. Additionally, it contains chlorophyll, which can help reduce body odor as well as freshen your breath. 
  • Bearberry – Native American women have long used bearberry to protect unborn children from miscarrying, as well as to help new mothers in the recovery process following childbirth. In Northern Europe, bearberry tea was a traditional method to treat bladder issues. For headaches? The leaves are smoked – though, this is regulated as it does cause a narcotic effect. Salve is often made to treat minor burns and cuts, as well as gum issues and canker sores. When ingested, the leaves can detox, relieve stomach pain, reduce inflammation, improve the healing process, and boost your immune system.
  • Monarda – belonging to the mint family and also known as horsemint or beebalms, this is generally used to create a tea. It can help relieve menstrual pain, nasal congestion, colds, sore throats, fevers, headaches, and digestive problems. It can also be used in ointment form to treat acne, as well as skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
  • Bilberry – this leaf helps balance your blood sugar. However, it also contains histamines so if you have allergies it may exacerbate them. In a normal person, though, the histamine can improve the body’s healing properties. Additionally, it can be used to treat GI ulcers. (
  • Common boneset – this is a weed that is found in North America’s temperate regions, including Florida and areas of Canada. It can be used to treat a wide range of conditions including migraines, colds and flu, fevers, and rheumatism. Additionally, it can boost the body’s ability to resist infections. It’s also an effective laxative and may provide relief from other digestive issues.
  • Butterbur – it grows in floodplains, wet meadows, and marshes. It brags large leaves, large enough to cover an adult’s head to protect against the elements. Of course, it’s size should be no surprise considering it’s related, though distantly, to the sunflower. The leaves have many uses, including treating asthma, coughs, and Gi issues. It can also be used to treat skin problems and minor wounds. It is an anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, diuretic. (
  • Coriander – you’ll know it as Chinese parsley or cilantro, but the plant is coriander. It has so many benefits, including fighting colon cancer, relieving inflammation, and balancing blood sugar. Additionally, it can help prevent UTIs and improve sleep patterns. Perhaps more importantly, it can help fight anxiety. It can also help protect your body from food poisoning. 

  • Dandelion – sadly, many people look on dandelions as weeds, but it has a plethora of benefits. Not only does it boost joint and bone health, but it also improves the urinary tract, protects the liver, purifies the blood, fights dementia, settles the stomach, and can prevent gallstones. Beyond that, it can promote weight loss, improve the health of skin and vision, generate the production of red blood cells, and even regular blood pressure and heart rate. It can also treat sore muscles and be used as a laxative. (
  • Dill Weed – another herb painted as a weed, this time thanks to its name. Despite that, it is an herb and it has its own benefits. You can use dill weed as a bug repellent, and with this, you don’t need to worry about harsh chemicals. Dill weed can also fight free radicals, relieve menstrual cramps, improve digestion, reduce cholesterol, improve insomnia, and boost your energy levels. Moreover, it can be used to reduce excess gas and hiccups, to fight and prevent fungal infections, and even to treat head lice.
  • Catnip – it isn’t just for cats, but don’t worry it won’t send you climbing trees. Humans taking advantage of catnip leaves for health reasons can be traced back to the early 1700s. It can be used to treat insomnia, anxiety disorders, indigestion, cramps, colds, diarrhea, bug bites, and colic. Additionally, it can be used as a sedative, and it can increase appetite. (
  • Fennel – this perennial belongs to the carrot family and it is a natural way to keep your skin tight and firm, thanks to its ability to promote collagen production. So, fennel fights aging, and can also relieve menstrual cramps, obesity, colic, and osteoporosis. Additionally, it can increase appetite, reduce the risk of heart disease and lower blood pressure, improve eye health, aid in digestion, and even improve brain function.
  • Holy Basil – not to be confused with basil, holy basil is a different herb, though a distant relation of basil itself. Basil is somewhat sweet, but holy basil is known to have a more peppery flavor. Holy basil can treat migraines, relieve coughs, cure the cold, fight aging, and treat respiratory issues. It has benefits for oral hygiene, too. Not only can it improve your breath, but it can also reduce plaque and tartar and prevent cavities. (
  • Lavender – it’s probably most famous for its soothing scent. However, there is more to lavender than that. It as beneficial to your health as it is beautiful. Yes, it is soothing, it can help relieve anxiety, stress, and balance moods. It is also effective in repairing sleep problems. Beyond that, it is an anti-inflammatory that can ease your aches and pains. It is also useful in treating a variety of skin conditions like acne, psoriasis, and eczema.
  • Oregano – it’s not just for marinara sauce, it has serious health benefits. Oregano will help your body defend against bacteria, fight free radicals and oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, boost your metabolism, and improve digestion. It also supports bone health and healthy cholesterol levels. Beyond that, you can use oregano to treat insect bites, minor wounds, arthritis, sleep issues, UTIs, coughs, and colds. (  
  • Rosemary – rosemary is another popular seasoning, and it’s incredibly easy to grow. However, it has its own health benefits to brag about. It improves your memory, improves focus and concentration, and is also an effective stress reliever. The benefits don’t stop there, it can also be used to treat gout, improve blood pressure, relieve pain and toothaches, improve skin issues like eczema, and improve the immune system. It’s also a natural breath booster. 
  • Milk Thistle – this is all about the health of your liver. While it does offer other benefits, the greatest is its ability to protect the liver. Additionally, it can help balance blood sugar, improve brain health, protect your heart, reverse skin damage and conditions, and supports the health of kidneys and the gallbladder. (
  • Parsley – most people pick up the parsley garnish on their plate and make a joke about how everyone hates the parsley garnish on plates. Honestly? It’s more than just a garnish. It can protect the health of your bones, boost your immune system, fight free radicals, improve kidney function, relieve pain, and improve digestion. Of course, if you pop that garnish in your mouth once you finish that meal, it will improve your breath. So, no, that garnish is not for nothing.
  • Sage – sage is helpful to relieve heartburn and indigestion, it can also improve digestive issues like bloating and flatulence. Women can use sage for menstrual relief, and it can also correct milk flow issues for breastfeeding mothers, as well as relieve hot flashes in women going through menopause. Beyond that, it can fight dementia and boost your brain health. (
  • Common Nettle – this herb requires careful handling as it can irritate your skin, which is why it’s also referred to as stinging nettle. Once you get past that, there is a lot to enjoy.

It’s a detoxifying agent, but it also increases energy and relieves fatigue, improves healing time, and stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Nettle can also break down kidney and gallstones, as well treat asthma, reduce blood pressure, relieve menstrual cramps, and even reduce the pain of giving birth.


Herbal Remedies and Homeopathy Are Alternative Medicines For Both People and Pets:

Natural Herbal Remedies Guide

Using natural herbal remedies for common ailments that can be helped with them, will be more beneficial to your body than using unnecessary medications.

However, if you have a condition that does require medication, I do not recommend replacing medication with herbal remedies.

Homeopathy is also very beneficial to the body to treat a number of ailments and it uses herbs, minerals and metals to create remedies.

Homeopathy for both people and pets uses a typical process of dilution using only naturally occurring substances.

Natural remedy products can help your pets even in serious cases like Dog Urinary Tract Infections, so your should consider treating your pet with natural alternative medicines where possible.

Synthetic, plant, and animal ingredients are used to create the homeopathic remedies

Herbal remedies are created using plants, trees, shrubs, flowers, bark and fruit. They can come in the form of topical applications, oral remedies or natural supplements.

Herbal remedies are much better for the body than conventional medicines and they also give fewer side effects.

Herbal remedies can also be beneficial in treating the cause of the problem and not just the symptoms.

Herbs can also boost the immune system and help prevent diseases and ailments from occurring.

Herbs such as goldenseal and garlic have natural anti viral and antibiotic properties so are great for infections and viruses.

There are a number of herbal teas and supplements that can relieve tension and stress and also treat depression.

There are also natural herbal remedies that help with gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems and menstrual problems.

Natural Herbal Remedies and Their Uses

Although natural herbal remedies are created from natural products, are they necessarily safe Herbs and herbal remedies have been used for hundreds of years to treat a number of different ailments.

Today, more and more people are turning to natural treatments for medical conditions to try and improve their health and do it in a natural way.

Following is a list of some of the common herbs that are used to treat mild conditions.

There are many different herbs so this list is only a small number of herbs and some of the most popular ones.

- Chamomile is a great herb for calming the nerves and relieving stress. It also helps speed up the healing process and is good for stomach problems.

- Garlic has great antibiotic and antiviral properties and is also good for cardiovascular problems.

You can eat garlic raw or have it cooked in food, if cooked it is best if added late in the cooking process to preserve the beneficial nutrients.

- Goldenseal has fantastic antibiotic properties and is great for fighting infections.

For the best results, steep half to one teaspoon of root goldenseal for each cup and leave for ten minutes.

- Ginseng is used to improve stamina and stimulate the immune system. It also helps to protect the liver from toxins.

You can purchase ginseng on its own or you can find it as a main ingredient in many herbal supplements.

- Ginger reduces the risk of heart attack and helps to prevent internal blood clotting.

Ginger can also prevent motion sickness if taken before travelling.

Ginger is also often used by pregnant women to reduce morning sickness.

- Spearmint and peppermint are both great for indigestion.

- Licorice helps to relieve ulcers and also soothes a sore throat.

Above are popular herbs used in the Western world and there are many others that are quite popular and have been very effectively used in China and India.

On this site you can learn about some of the most popular and safe herbal remedies  guides such as the ones featured below:

Other Traditional Herbal Remedies Include:

Chinese herbs such as Fo Ti, Green Tea, Dong Quai and Reishi Mushrooms are used to treat infections, control vaginal discharges, help with menstrual cycles, assist with asthma, treat choughs and treat general fatigue.

The Chinese herb Ephedra is sometimes used to treat asthma and colds, however it can cause high blood pressure and insomnia so should not be used without consultation of a qualified herbalist and should definitely not be used while pregnant.

Popular Indian herbs are Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Amla, Guggul, Shilajit, Tulsi and Turmeric.

Guggul is used in modern medicine for heart ailments and joint pains and Ashwagandha is referred to as the Indian Ginseng.

Homeopathy is also a great choice for using natural remedies as it focuses on treatment the root of the problem rather than just treating the symptoms of the problem.

Homeopathy also treats the person rather than the symptoms and as a result two people with the same symptoms may receive different remedies.

Homeopathy uses many herbs, including some toxic herbs and other natural products to produce highly diluted remedies.

These herbal remedies used to treat ailments such as coughs and colds, sexual dysfunction, arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular problems.

Native Remedies PureCalm, 59 mlNative Remedies PureCalm, 59 ml

Native Remedies - Focus Formula Herbal Supplement - 2 oz.Native Remedies - Focus Formula Herbal Supplement - 2 oz.

Native Remedies MindSoothe Jr. for Child and Teen Emotional Health and Balanced Mood, 60 mlNative Remedies MindSoothe Jr. for Child and Teen Emotional Health and Balanced Mood, 60 ml

Native Remedies Tic Tamer, 2 fl oz BottleNative Remedies Tic Tamer, 2 fl oz Bottle

Native Remedies Moodcalm To Temporarily Calm Emotional Outbursts (180 Tablets)Native Remedies Moodcalm To Temporarily Calm Emotional Outbursts (180 Tablets)

Native Remedies Candidate for Candida Balance and Maintenance, 59 mlNative Remedies Candidate for Candida Balance and Maintenance, 59 ml

Native Remedies Triple Complex Brain Tonic, 2 Fluid OunceNative Remedies Triple Complex Brain Tonic, 2 Fluid Ounce

Teens & Young Adults UltraPackTeens & Young Adults UltraPack

Native Remedies UTI-Clear for Urinary Tract and Bladder Health, 59 mlNative Remedies UTI-Clear for Urinary Tract and Bladder Health, 59 ml

Although natural remedies are created from natural products, are they necessarily safe?

The safety of any product, including natural remedies, depends on the products used to create it.

It also depends on the ability of the person preparing it and the person prescribing it.

The use of herbs for medicinal purposes is not regulated by the FDA so these aspects are extremely important.

There are some herbs, that although have great healing properties, can actually be poisonous in their undiluted form.

An example of this is Nux Vomica which is used to treat many different ailments.

However, Nux Vomica is derived from an Asiatic plant and this plant contains toxins like brucine and strychnine and these can be incredibly poisonous in their original form.

When herbs and plants are used in homeopathy they go through a dilution process that makes them suitable to treat disease.

This is why it is important to use natural remedies as per the directions of a qualified natural therapist.

With natural therapies, different active compounds in herbs are used to interact with each other to dilute toxicity and to increase the therapeutic effect.

One should not try to mix herbs and plants on their own without the knowledge of how they react together.

Natural therapy believe that they synergy of compounds cannot be duplicated within synthetic chemicals.

This is accepted by pharmaceutical researchers, however they insist on clinical trials to check the efficacy of herbal formulations provided it is consistent.

Natural remedies are very effective at treating many different ailments and are safe as long as they are used in a safe way.

You should always use natural treatments according to directions and never mix herbs or plants that you are not sure of.

It is best to seek the guidance of a natural therapist who has the expertise in the various herbs and plants and knows the right mixtures and formulas to treat specific ailments.

Herbal Teas to Help With Emotions

We all have moments when we are feeling down and if these feelings continue long term it can develop into depression.

In many cases however, they are mood swings that will pass in time, usually when we begin to forget what is bringing us down by being distracted by something good.

There may be times in your life though when you are going through a difficult period or traumatic event that can be prolonged and our gloomy feelings are fairly constant and just don’t go away.

This may develop into depression and you may begin to have symptoms such as anxiety, trouble sleeping, lack of appetite and you just want to be alone.

When you suffer from depression you may find it difficult to feel any happiness and things that once made you happy no longer do.

You can become isolated when you just don’t enjoy going out anymore and don’t feel like having the company of your friends.

Depression can be caused by an upset of the balance of brain chemicals that are responsible for a person’s emotional health.

Emotional distress is not always due to depression and can also be caused by physical illness, anxiety or fear.

If you are suffering from emotional distress you might want to consider natural remedies before going straight for antidepressants.

Antidepressants have a number of side effects which may even cause you more anxiety.

Natural remedies offer you a safe solution with no side effects.

Herbal teas have many medicinal benefits including emotions benefits.

Herbal teas help to cleanse the body, strengthen the immune system, relax the body and help to reduce stress.

Most herbal teas are very safe and can be taken daily in recommended quantities without the worry of having any negative side effects.

Depression, anxiety and emotional disorders often lead to a disturbed sleep and there are many herbal teas that can help you to sleep better.

Many herbs have a mild sedative effect that can help you get off to sleep and to sleep more soundly.

Herbs such as chamomile, jasmine, passion flower and lemon balm are all very useful for relaxing and soothing the nerves.

These can be taken in the form of herbal teas and they can assist with both mood and sleep problems.

If your emotional issues are caused by a physical illness then there are herbal remedies that can help with different ailments.

If you drink herbal teas regularly they will help to strengthen your immune system and fight off disease and they can also prevent many medical conditions.

Herbal teas have strong antioxidant properties that help to eliminate and prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body.

Herbal teas are a great alternative to conventional drugs if you drink them on a regular basis.

They can help soothe your nerves and your mind and positively affect your overall emotional health.

ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi - Holy Basil Supplement - Made with Certified Organic Herbs (Vegetarian Capsules, 90 Count)ORGANIC INDIA Tulsi - Holy Basil Supplement - Made with Certified Organic Herbs (Vegetarian Capsules, 90 Count)

Banyan Botanicals Licorice Root Powder, 1/2 Pound - USDA Organic - Glycyrrhiza glabra - Ayurvedic Herb for Lungs, Skin, & Stomach ...Banyan Botanicals Licorice Root Powder, 1/2 Pound - USDA Organic - Glycyrrhiza glabra - Ayurvedic Herb for Lungs, Skin, & Stomach ...

Himalaya Organic Ashwagandha 60 Caplets for Anti-Stress and Energy 670mgHimalaya Organic Ashwagandha 60 Caplets for Anti-Stress and Energy 670mg

Natural Estro-life Cream (USP Bio-Identical Estriol Cream) / Extra Strength- 150 Mgs. Used During All Stages of Menopause. Commonly used for Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness, Insomnia, Wrinkles, Weight Loss, Low Libido, Hormonal Acne, Energy, Irritability, and PCOS. Non-GMO, Fragrance-Free, Soy-Free, and Bioidentical / Micronized Estriol USP from Wild Yams. Three times the Estriol at half the price than any competitor. Money Back Guarantee!Natural Estro-life Cream (USP Bio-Identical Estriol Cream) / Extra Strength- 150 Mgs. Used During All Stages of Menopause. Commonly used for Hot Flashes, Mood Swings, Vaginal Dryness, Insomnia, Wrinkles, Weight Loss, Low Libido, Hormonal Acne, Energy, Irritability, and PCOS. Non-GMO, Fragrance-Free, Soy-Free, and Bioidentical / Micronized Estriol USP from Wild Yams. Three times the Estriol at half the price than any competitor. Money Back Guarantee!

Herb Pharm Menopause Health Herbal Formula for Physical and Emotional Support - 1 OunceHerb Pharm Menopause Health Herbal Formula for Physical and Emotional Support - 1 Ounce

Pure Rhodiola Rosea Supplement - 180 Capsules - Max Strength Rhodiola Root Extract Pills to Improve Energy, Brain Function & Stress Relief - Natural Golden Root Herb Powder Tablets for Men & WomenPure Rhodiola Rosea Supplement - 180 Capsules - Max Strength Rhodiola Root Extract Pills to Improve Energy, Brain Function & Stress Relief - Natural Golden Root Herb Powder Tablets for Men & Women

Breathe Synergy Blend Essential Oil. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. (Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Cardamom, Bay)Breathe Synergy Blend Essential Oil. 10 ml. 100% Pure, Undiluted, Therapeutic Grade. (Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lavender, Cardamom, Bay)

Banyan Botanicals Neem Powder - USDA Organic - 1/2 Pound, Azadirachta indica - Ayurvedic Herb for Skin & BloodBanyan Botanicals Neem Powder - USDA Organic - 1/2 Pound, Azadirachta indica - Ayurvedic Herb for Skin & Blood

Herb Pharm Good Mood Herbal Formula with St. John's Wort for Healthy Emotional Balance - 1 OunceHerb Pharm Good Mood Herbal Formula with St. John's Wort for Healthy Emotional Balance - 1 Ounce

Restful herb tea as sleep aid:

If you often suffer from restless waking in the middle of the night, herbal remedies – taken either as a tea or tablet form, may help to quest your nerves and settle an overactive system.

This herb is one of the most powerful sedatives in the plant pharmacopoeia.

A tea made from valerian root has a rapid sedative effect, and it helps to ease nervous tension.

When drunk after dinner and then directly before bed, it quickly alleviates symptoms of insomnia and facilitates sleep.

One of the best bedtime herbs for those who have difficulty getting to sleep, chamomile has a soporific effect on the nervous system.

It also gives relief to an overworked digestive tract, a common cause of insomnia.

Another relaxing plant, lime blossom helps to calm nerves and reduce tension.

Both of these herbs can be drunk as a tea: steep 5ml / 1 teaspoon dried herb in a cup of hot water.

Hops is an ingredient in beer – and the cause of the pleasant sleepiness that a big drink of beer induces – hops is used for its restful effect.

Wild lettuce also has been used to treat sleep problems, as have passionflower and lemon balm.

Natural Herbal sleep aids:

Sedative herbs are used in non-narcotic sleep tablets, which are taken once during the day and then an hour before bedtime.

Valerian is usually the main ingredient – it may be used on its own or combined with hops, wild lettuce, lemon balm or passionflower.

Dill seed acts gently to relieve colic – a common cause of wakefulness in babies and young children.

Add 5ml / 1 teaspoon lightly crushed dill seed to a cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain well and allow to cool before drinking.

To help you sleep through the night you can also drink pleasant Elderflower and Lime Blossom tea with a dash or Nutmeg and a dollop of Honey.

Soothing tisanes:

Made by steeping garden-fresh flowers in boiling water, tisanes provide a real treat for the taste buds.

They can calm the nerves and send you to sleep on a proverbial carpet of blossoms.

The experience of drinking a tisane is a little like taking the garden’s earthy energy in to your system.

The wonderful fragrances of these clean and clear tonics act as moon enhancers, and they are visually cheering – as well as tasting wonderfully fresh.

Many garden blossoms can be used for making tisanes, but the best ones for promoting sound sleep include:

• Lavender
• Lime blossom
• Lemon verbena
• Dandelion
• Rosemary
• Rose petals
• Jasmine
• Peppermint
• Bergamot
• Passion flower

Passion flower tisane:

The passion flower has wonderful sedative powers that are said to relieve nervous conditions such as palpitations and shakiness, thus helping to prevent insomnia.

To make a tisane, place one passion flower blossom (or 5ml / 1 teaspoon dried passion flower) in a cup and add 250ml / 8fl oz / 1 cup boiling water.

Steep (soak) for 10 minutes, then remove the flower.

You can drink a cup of this soothing tisane 3 times a day, and continue for 2 -4 weeks.

BE SLEEPY Relaxing Bedtime Tea with Valerian, Kava Root, Chamomile, and Lavender 40g - for Relaxing, Calming the Nervous System, and Promoting a Restful Sleep by Tea TonixBE SLEEPY Relaxing Bedtime Tea with Valerian, Kava Root, Chamomile, and Lavender 40g - for Relaxing, Calming the Nervous System, and Promoting a Restful Sleep by Tea Tonix

Herb Pharm Certified Organic Valerian Root Extract for Relaxation and Restful Sleep - 1 OunceHerb Pharm Certified Organic Valerian Root Extract for Relaxation and Restful Sleep - 1 Ounce

Herbs India - Ashwagandha Powder 8 Oz 1/2lb.Herbs India - Ashwagandha Powder 8 Oz 1/2lb.


Relaxing Herb Tea 20 BagsRelaxing Herb Tea 20 Bags

Pukka Herbal Teas Night Time Organic Oat Flower Lavender and Limeflower Tea - 20 BagsPukka Herbal Teas Night Time Organic Oat Flower Lavender and Limeflower Tea - 20 Bags

Yogi Teas Bedtime, 16 Count (Pack of 6)Yogi Teas Bedtime, 16 Count (Pack of 6)

Pukka Herbs Herbal Night Time Tea, 20 tea bags (Pack of 6)Pukka Herbs Herbal Night Time Tea, 20 tea bags (Pack of 6)

Gaia Herbs Sleep & Relax Herbal Tea, 20 BagsGaia Herbs Sleep & Relax Herbal Tea, 20 Bags

What Diet Herbs Work Best?

When it comes to Natural Weight Loss Diet Herbs, everyone wants to know ...  "What are the latest trends that do work?"

A staggering two thirds of the adults in Western countries are obese or overweight.

People are constantly looking for easy and quick ways to lose weight and there are new diets and weight loss programs turning up all the time.

If you are trying to lose weight there is a good chance that you have tried many diets and methods but are still not at a happy weight.

There are so many different weight loss products available that it can be quite confusing and how do you know what really works?

There are quite a few different supplements available to help lose weight but how do you know if these are safe?

Many natural substances have been used to create weight loss supplements as people are continually looking for that magic weight loss answer.

Flowers, shrubs, trees, stems, seeds and oils have all been used to try and find the weight loss answer.

One of the popular natural weight loss remedies that have proven to give good natural weight loss results is wild evening primrose oil.

I'll load a page below to go into more detail about this amazing herb.

NOW Foods Evening Primrose Oil 500mg, 100 Softgels,NOW Foods Evening Primrose Oil 500mg, 100 Softgels,

Spring Valley - Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg, 75 SoftgelsSpring Valley - Evening Primrose Oil 1000 mg, 75 Softgels

NOW Foods Super Primrose 1300Mg, 120 SoftgelsNOW Foods Super Primrose 1300Mg, 120 Softgels

Evening Primrose Oil 1300mg Royal Brittany Twin Pack - 120+120 - SoftgelEvening Primrose Oil 1300mg Royal Brittany Twin Pack - 120+120 - Softgel

Barlean's Organic Oils Organic Evening Primrose Oil, 120 softgels/1300 mg ea. BottleBarlean's Organic Oils Organic Evening Primrose Oil, 120 softgels/1300 mg ea. Bottle

Nature's Way Evening Primrose Cold Pressed 1300mg, 120 SoftgelsNature's Way Evening Primrose Cold Pressed 1300mg, 120 Softgels

Continue to Research

Natural herbal remedies, including Herbal teas like featured above, are often used to cleanse the body in a natural way and can also aid in improving your energy levels.

Herbal teas come in a variety of flavors and come from different plants so you will want to use one that you like the taste off and also one that has cleansing properties.

Different herbal teas will have different benefits for the body and some are more beneficial for the detox process than others.

You will also want to look for Herbal Teas that are grown organically and doesn't contain any additives or preservatives.

There is a lot of power and relief that comes from learning about all the natural herbal remedies and alternative medicines that you can apply for home remedies.

You’ll be surprised about how much a little research can help you with natural cures for your health.


Using natural herbal remedies for common ailments that can be helped with them, will be more beneficial to your body than using unnecessary medications.

More Resources to Grow Your Own Health

 Many years ago, it used to be that the majority of people relied on natural remedies. But then that sort of got pushed aside and modern medicine took over. There’s no doubt that modern medicine has done a lot of good.

But it’s not without its downside. Sometimes people end up overmedicated for health issues that can be treated simply and effectively at home. 

A great way to treat some of common health problems that affect people is through the natural use of plants.

These plants don’t give you the same dangerous side effects that a lot of the medications prescribed today will cause.

Plus, it’s easier and a lot more cost effective to turn to nature when you need healing.

There are a lot of different plants that you can grow that can treat your ailments naturally. Some can be applied topically and some can be brewed into teas.

You should make sure that you understand how much of a plant you should use, because just like medicines you get at the pharmacy, there are dosing guidelines you need to follow when using plants to treat ailments.

Here are some natural herbal remedies products you can buy online that I think look very useful:

Encyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to 550 Key Herbs with all their Uses as Remedies for Common AilmentsEncyclopedia of Herbal Medicine: The Definitive Home Reference Guide to 550 Key Herbs with all their Uses as Remedies for Common Ailments

Rosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and UseRosemary Gladstar's Medicinal Herbs: A Beginner's Guide: 33 Healing Herbs to Know, Grow, and Use

Rosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire FamilyRosemary Gladstar's Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health: 175 Teas, Tonics, Oils, Salves, Tinctures, and Other Natural Remedies for the Entire Family

Grandmas Herbal and Homemade Remedies (Grandma's Series) (Volume 1)Grandmas Herbal and Homemade Remedies (Grandma's Series) (Volume 1)

Nature CureNature Cure

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders andTheir Herbal RemediesPrescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders andTheir Herbal Remedies

Making Herbal Remedies (Herbology At Home Series)Making Herbal Remedies (Herbology At Home Series)

The Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook: A Home ManualThe Herbal Medicine-Maker's Handbook: A Home Manual

Herbal Remedies Guide: Uses Of 100 Herb For Common AilmentsHerbal Remedies Guide: Uses Of 100 Herb For Common Ailments

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Herbs for Health 
Many people use herbs in their cooking for added flavor, but did you know that herbs can also be used in a medicinal way? Herbs have long been used as …

Natural Home Remedies: Introduction 
The dictionary defines Herbal Medicine as…. “the study or practice of the medicinal and therapeutic use of plants; herbalism. Remedies and medicines made …

Natural Home Remedies: Using Herbs As Medicine 
Herbal medicine may seem overly complicated, yet accessible. It’s true because just about anyone can grow herbs or purchase them. The confusion comes in …

Natural Home Remedies: Surprising and Simple Cures  
Bee Stings Yes, there are home remedies for everything, even bee stings. One of the popular home remedies over the years has been to place a slice …

Natural Home Remedies: Toenail Fungus  
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Natural Home Remedies: 26 Natural Painkillers  
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Natural Home Remedies: Rough Coughs  
Honey makes another appearance and don't be surprised to see it crop up from time to time. It's kind of a magical elixir! When you are plagued with …

Natural Home Remedies: The Common Cold  
We always hear people say there will never be a cure for the common cold. Therefore, we head to the supermarket and browse the medicine aisle buying cough …

Natural Home Remedies: Migraines 
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Natural Home Remedies: Aching Muscles  
Typically, you turn to those handy, but smelly, creams and sprays and pick up a bottle of painkillers. This may be necessary for serious injuries, …

How Our Ancestors Introduced Herbal Remedies to the Modern World 
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What You Need to Know Before You Buy Herbs for Your Health 
Although widely touted as a healthy alternative to synthetic pharmaceuticals, herbal treatments must be used with caution and by someone who knows what …

How Herbs Play a Part in Naturopathy 
More and more consumers are taking their health into their own hands and using naturopathic medicine to treat what ails them. Taking a natural approach, …

Chinese Insight Into the World of Herbal Medicine 
Of our earliest ancestors, the Chinese have made it a point to incorporate nature’s garden into the world of medicine more than any other culture, still …

What Are the Different Ways Herbs Can Be Prepared? 
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Depression Is No Match for Herbal Treatments 
Nutrition used for health remedies has become commonplace for many people. I have always followed a whole food, and largely a plant based, diet for my …

Can Herbs Cure Sinusitis? 
When a sinus infection attacks, it can linger for weeks and not only cause physical symptoms, but emotional distress. Faced with a flood of over the counter …

Many Herbs Are Being Used to Treat Arthritis 
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Dandelion – More Than Just a Common Weed 
Its name originated out of the fact that some believe its leaves resembled the tooth of a lion, but for years the Dandelion has done more than just help …

Using Natural Herbs to Curb Hot Flashes 
For women suffering from hot flashes during menopause and perimenopause, finding a cure is often a long process. But amid all of the synthetic treatments …

The Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar 
Apple cider vinegar is a raw and unfiltered type of vinegar, which is how it gets its darker amber color. Organic apple cider vinegar is less expensive …

Natural Remedies For Anxiety And The Nerves 
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Everyday Activities For Holistic Health 
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Holistic Approaches To Health And Wellness 
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Natural Remedies For Summer Bug Bites 
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Do You Have An Iron Deficiency? 
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Homeopathic Herbs and How to Use Them 
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5 Natural Remedies For Headaches 
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Why More And More People Turn To Holistic And Alternative Medicine For Health Care 
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The Unique Coconut Oil Benefits  
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Treating Skin Ailments - Natural Herbal Remedies 
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Constipation and Diarrhea - Natural Herbal Remedies 
When you are struggling with constipation, it can make you feel absolutely miserable. It can cause bloating, stomach cramps and make you feel sluggish. …

Fevers, Colds and Coughs - Natural Herbal Remedies 
There can be many different reasons for your body to develop a fever. The same stands true for a cough. Unless a doctor finds that the fever has a direct …

Headaches - Natural Herbal Remedies 
A good natural treatment for headaches is the bark of a willow tree. You can grow a willow tree with a cutting from a mature tree. One of the reasons that …

Cold Sore Home Remedy Natural And Store Bought 
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How To Avoid UTI and Managing Urinary Tract Infections 
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More Proven Natural Allergy Remedies 
One of the natural allergy remedies that are highly qualified and recommended is that of apple cider vinegar. Often, the only objection most people …

Natural Allergy Relief | What to do if you have a food allergy 
Are you a person suffering from allergies? If so, you may be searching for means to seek relief. Most people resort to prescription medicines. …

Natural Weight Loss with Wild Evening Primrose Oil  
Wild evening primrose, unlike its name suggests, doesn’t belong to the primrose family. The reason it was given a similar name was because it has similar …

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